
domingo, 26 de novembro de 2006

(DC9) Motivação para a dúvida cartesiana

Mais adiante, Broughton diz:
He thinks that being absolutely certain has the advantage over being morally certain, and that this advantage is what will permit the overthrow of the dogmas of everyday life (and of scholastic philosophy too). By attending to radical grounds for doubt, we will ultimately be able to discover new, fundamental, and highly consequential truths, and we will have to change our minds about many things. [p. 52]

Claro, se formos capazes de descobrir verdades novas, fundamentais e altamente consequentes! Mas que razão temos para acreditar nisso na Primeira Meditação? A interpretação de Broughton da motivação para a dúvida cartesiana depende da resposta a essa pergunta.

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